antenatal sessions : roots
mulahadra : trust, connection, belief
roots session course content
session one;
birth is a life experience
origins of instinctive birth
the pathway to modern birth culture
unravelling the stories you hold about birth
understanding the mind & body connection,
how can this show up during labour?
breathwork connection
language of birth
session two;
preparing mind & body
understanding our birthing hormones
simple ways to prepare physically for birth
finding practices & building a routine that works for you
anchors for a positive birth
finding your affirmations & reframing negative thoughts
session three;
supported birth; birth partner role
support circles
the birth partners role
bonding with baby
massage, rebozo & biomechanic techniques to support birth
understanding & influencing the birth environment
your birth choices & mapping your birth
guided deep relaxation & fear release exercise
session four;
instinctive birth & the fourth trimester
birth explained
coping with sensations of birth
the power of birth breathing
if the path to birth changes
navigating discussions
bonding through the golden hour
honouring the fourth trimester
planning for your postpartum
a complete foundation of antenatal preparation, combined with the full hypnobirthing programme, & postpartum planning, you can feel confident, relaxed & ready for your birth & parenting journey.
what’s included?
sessions can take place on evenings or weekends, comprising of 4 sessions, with overall 8 hours of comprehensive teaching.
roots package includes;
4 x 2hour sessions with 8 hours of comprehensive teaching;
6 x mp3 guided relaxations for birth
tailored birth affirmations in print, digital & audio, we’ll work together to create these just for you
nama mama pregnancy journal, a diary of prompts for reflection & a beautiful keepsake
nama mama postnatal planner, a comprehensive plan advocated by developing doulas maddie mcmahon & zara de candole
aromatherapy pulse point roller for birth
exclusive discounts with bbhugme, lola&lykke, babygo, babycare tens machine & yuyu bottles
support, as much as you need, through your pregnancy and into your postpartum
travel costs included throughout surrey for in person classes
pay a deposit of £100 to secure your booking - payment plans are always available, please just ask!
£280 per couple
private one to one support
pay a deposit of £100 to secure your booking - payment plans are always available, please just ask!
payment plan option £100 deposit + 2 payments of £90 each
“it has been amazing having emma support us on our journey through our second pregnancy using hypnobirthing. emma’s calm, confident and reassuring approach made us feel at ease right from the beginning. we were supported in our own home which allowed us to feel completely comfortable and able to be as open & relaxed with emma as we wanted.
i am excited at the prospect of birthing our baby soon. thank you emma!”
— second time mama, billingshurst