what is yoni steaming?

yoni steaming is an ancient practice of deep honouring & self care. the tradition of steaming the womb is rooted within many cultures across the world as a way to tend to the yoni during cycles of bleeding, menopause, to prepare the body for birth and to aide healing after childbirth.

sacred yoni creation by karolina nowacka

what does yoni mean?

yoni योनि is a sanskrit word which has many interpretations, it can mean both “womb” and “source” and can also mean “origin”.

when we use the word yoni in relation to our physical body, we are describing all aspects of the wombspace, the vulva, the labia, vagina & uterus ~ the inner & the outer ~ as one.

yoni encompasses the inter-relation of all the intricate parts that make up the whole & acknowledges the energy that is held in this space, the potential to create & generate life.

why steam your yoni?

steam is a gentle modality for cleansing & revitalising. you may have steamed your face, or enjoyed relaxing in a steam room as a way to deeply clean and moisturise the skin & revitalise the body, well, there’s not so much difference with vaginal steaming.

the warmth of the steam can boost circulation of the skin and the vessels beneath. blood flow is promoted within the yoni, the uterus & the pelvis through the steam, bringing a sense of vitality and almost a glow from deep within.

what are the benefits of yoni steaming?

“rebirth” by the vulva series

whether you are looking to improve an underlying symptom, would like to incorporate steam as part of your womb healing journey, or are simply curious about what it may feel like to steam your intimate zone, there are many benefits that you may experience, here are some of them…

  • menstrual cycle regulation

  • hormonal balance

  • reduced stress and anxiety

  • balances heavy periods & excess bleeding

  • eases dysmenorrhea (painful periods)

  • stimulates menstrual cycle where periods are missing (amenorrhea)

  • relieves physical tension

  • improves fertility & reproductive health

  • hydrates & moisturizes vaginal tissue

  • treats haemorrhoids

  • increase libido & sexual energy

  • relieves digestive issues, inc bloating, gas, consipation

  • ease period cramps or discomfort

  • decrease vaginal dryness

  • assists reduction of fibroids

  • helps in removal of uterine & ovarian cysts

  • stabilize & improve endometriosis

  • as part of a treatment plan for prolapse

  • recurrent thrush or vaginal infections

  • eases many menopausal symptoms

  • helps prepare the body for childbirth

  • supports healing & restoration in the postpartum

  • establishes & reconnects to your vital life energy

how to steam your yoni

i offer tender & gentle yoni steam sessions that can also incorporate womb massage as a beautiful, womb healing treatment.

it’s very simple to steam within your own home, all you really need is some hot water!

you may wish to incorporate supportive herbs into the water to infuse the steam with plant medicine, you will find yoni steam herbs within my self care shop.

once you have brought a lidded pan to the boil, allow the water to sit for a few minutes as you prepare your space to steam. when you are ready, either bring the pan to your chosen space and wrap a towel around the outside for protection, or, you can decant the water into a separate bowl.

choose a position where you will be comfortable to relax, this may be seated on a seat or stool which has an opening, you may like to squat or kneel over the pan. whichever position feels right for you, ensure you are warm, with plenty of cushions to support you and, if you choose, cover yourself with a blanket to increase privacy, warmth & relaxation.

do not steam if you are pregnant or there is a chance of pregnancy. yoni steaming should not be carried out whilst you are menstruating.

at nama mama i offer womb wellness sessions & alternative therapies for wellbeing around our life cycles and transitions, including moontime, fertility, pregnancy, birth, postpartum & menopause.

if you feel you need support in any of these areas, please reach out to me for a chat, i would love to be part of your journey - emma@namamama.uk

emma x


why wrap your womb?


my mothers blessing