immunity boost for pregnancy & postpartum

i wanted to write a blog post whilst we’re in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic. as an antenatal teacher i have had chats with various expecting mums who are feeling highly anxious by the constant information updates & posts about the virus. if you are pregnant, nearing your birthing time, or have recently given birth this is understandably a very worrying place to be. my intention is to share with you some knowledge & simple steps you can take to boost your body’s immune system throughout your pregnancy.


strengthening your immune system is a really effective way to take care of yourself in life generally, as you strengthen your body to be able to fight unwanted illnesses & infections. of course, this feels even more important when you are pregnant, you’re growing another human and for various reasons, your immune system can be compromised during pregnancy & early postpartum. focusing on taking positive steps to improve your immunity is effective and is really great for our mental health too. when you, boost your immune system, you benefit in mind, body & soul.

so, here is my simple guide for boosting your immunity during your pregnancy & postpartum…

wash those hands!


a basic rule which is becoming a mantra for us all. upping your personal hygiene standards is crucial to keep you & those around you healthy. the recommendations are to wash your hands regularly throughout the day, for at least 20 seconds a time.

the little people in your life can sing along to “happy birthday” , but why not create your own washing tune lyrics to bring some fun to what can feel like a chore. wash your lyrics will turn a song of your choice into a print download, i’m currently washing my hands to vanilla ice!

eat a varied plant rich diet

eating a variety of fresh, immune boosting foods each day will help to keep your digestive system active. the digestive & immune systems work together, when you are nutrient deficient your body’s defences are lowered and you are more susceptible to contract viruses & infections.

look to eat a nutrient dense, plant rich diet that’s balanced, low in sugar, trans-fats & processed foods, and high in vitamins a, e, a, d, plus iron, selenium & zinc. plant foods are rich in natural phyto-nutrients, we commonly refer to these as antioxidants. they protect the cells within our bodies against disease. you don’t have to be veggie to eat lots of veg, by incorporating orange & yellow fruits, leafy green vegetables, red & purple berries and root veg plus garlic & onion within your meals each day, you will benefit from these protective foods.

boosting brekkies - orange juice, porridge with berries, poached eggs (not runny!), buckwheat pancakes

great for snacks - dried apricots, oat cakes, seed & nut mix, houmous, kale crisps, protein balls

lasting lunches - tomato & basil frittata, griddled vegetable salad, carrot & coconut soup, beetroot soup, chickpea & lentil with feta dressing, avocado & cream cheese on toast

super-food suppers - ginger chicken with brown rice, stir fried tofu with buckwheat noodles, griddled mackerel with spinach, pumpkin ravioli, baked cod with cannellini beans

spices for immunity include, cinnamon, cumin, nutmeg, fennel & ginger, which can be added to meals in moderation.

probiotics are also a great way to support your gut health, look for drinks & yoghurts which contain probiotics and perhaps introduce some naturally fermented foods such as kefir and pickles. my favourite place for fermented goodies is london fermentary, the water kefir is seriously yum!

a wonderful reference book for eating well throughout your pregnancy journey is your pregnancy nutrition guide by henrietta norton, it’s extensive and lots of recipe ideas too.


keep active

gentle & regular exercise throughout your pregnancy has so many benefits for both you and your baby, physical activity actually helps to improve your immunity. signing up to an antenatal class such as yoga, pilates or aqua-natal can give you a weekly goal and also by being around other healthy people you actually build your immunity whilst building your community!

walking is obviously free and practical, by walking short journeys instead of jumping in the car you can probably achieve 30 minutes of activity each day. carrying your baby in a sling is a great way to keep mobile (and hands free!), whilst your baby enjoys close contact with you, often taking a nice nap feeling comforted from the warmth of your body & your movements. why not take a walk with your little one through the woods, somewhere you know you wouldn’t be able to take a buggy!

there are lots of online resources for exercise during pregnancy and a lovely, local yoga teacher nikki barrow is also currently offering on-line, virtual yoga classes for those mama’s who may be self-isolating, but want to get their weekly om fix!


we don’t really have much solid evidence on how getting more sleep can improve immunity, however there is evidence to show that lack of sleep does have a detrimental effect. i know it’s not always easy to sleep when you’re pregnant, between the kicks and loo breaks, waking up in horror to find that you’re not on your left side!

finding a rhythm that works for you to set a healthy bedtime to give yourself a good chance of getting an optimum amount of sleep, and taking rests and naps during the day, when you can to top up your sleep bank.


a great tip from bbhug-me, the best pregnancy pillow out there, is to create a doughnut from your pillow and lay your tummy in the centre to allow yourself some tummy time! this isn’t recommended for a long duration, but 15 minutes or so of not lying on your left side can be a huge relief! i am really happy to work with bbhug-me to be able to offer exclusive discounts, please just message me for more info.

sleep with a newborn in your life can often feel like trying to unlock the secret to the holy grail! sleep when your baby sleeps is great advice, but usually the to-do-list that is ringing in your mind calls you to ignore sleep signals from your body. allow yourself the days to rest when you need to, it’s hard to see the washing pile up, but it can probably wait til tomorrow. babies instinctively know they need to be in close contact with their parents to be safe, & so will often sleep best when we are with them, knowing safe ways to share a sleeping space with your baby, whether co-sleeping is your choice or not, can means you can take opportunities to get some sleep to. the lullaby trust has up to date guidelines & advice.

stress & anxiety suppress our immunity

if you are feeling overwhelmed by posts on social media or the news, allow yourself to take a break from these outlets. if a well meaning friend or family member is increasing your anxiety, give yourself permission to set some boundaries around how much contact you have with them right now. a true friend will understand that your mental health matters.

so, what might help to distract your mind from overthinking & worry?

being outside, in nature is always grounding. breathing in some fresh air and noticing how the wildlife carry on with their busy lives, oblivious to the blog posts & updates can really help to find a different perspective.

meditation, music, catching up with a favourite podcast, watching a film or calling that friend who always makes you laugh are great ways to find mental balance.

podcasts i’m enjoying right now are scummy mummies, for wet your pants laughs and bbc soul music about the emotional impact of music.


supportive herbs to lower your stress levels


add a dollop of honey!

honey is a true superfood, it is a natural antibiotic that’s rich in vitamins, oils & antioxidants which stimulate the immune system. use honey to help fight infections, the antimicrobial & anti-inflammatory properties will actively suppress coughs & respiratory infections.

please note that drinking herbal teas is great for us, as with anything however within moderation! limit yourself to 4 cups of herbal tea per day, and one cup per blend. to keep yourself fully hydrated, aim to drink 1.5 - 2 litres of water per day during pregnancy, and then up to 3 litres per day postpartum to help support your breastfeeding needs.

please note that although honey is safe for adults, and during pregnancy too, it carries real risk to small children as there is potential to develop botulism if ingested. do not give honey to infants under 1 year.

there are many calmative herbs which are safe to use during pregnancy which you can turn to if you are feeling particularly anxious or worried. you can take these in a warming tea or if you prefer, once brewed you can cool with ice for a longer, refreshing drink, or add sprigs of fresh herbs to your water bottle to sip the benefits through the day.

chamomile, lemon balm, mint, lavender

a lovely local tea blender totem teashop makes delicious, organic herbal tea, here in the surrey hills, & i love her breastfeeding blend!


honey is a true superfood, it is a natural antibiotic that’s rich in vitamins, oils & antioxidants which stimulate the immune system. use honey to help fight infections, the antimicrobial & anti-inflammatory properties will actively suppress coughs & respiratory infections.

please note that drinking herbal teas is great for us, as with anything however within moderation! limit yourself to 4 cups of herbal tea per day, and one cup per blend. to keep yourself fully hydrated, aim to drink 1.5 - 2 litres of water per day during pregnancy, and then up to 3 litres per day postpartum to help support your breastfeeding needs.

please note that although honey is safe for adults, and during pregnancy too, it carries real risk to small children as there is potential to develop botulism if ingested. do not give honey to infants under 1 year.

cleansing facial steams

moving into spring, we are still in the standard sniffle season, it’s normal of course to catch a cold right now as many common cold viruses are still prevalent. if you have mild cold symptoms, without a persistent cough or fever, you can help your body to clear the infection with a simple steam inhalation.

place some dried herbs in a bowl, add boiling water, lean over the bowl and inhale the fragranced steam for around 5-10 minutes. always take a good drink of water after steaming to ensure you are hydrated.

dried herbs, safe for pregnancy & postpartum, that are great for a cleansing steam include;

lavender, eucalyptus leaf, frankincense, bay leaf, thyme, oregano, pine

diffuse essential oils

an aromatic way to cleanse the air & boost your immunity. investing in a diffuser is really worth it in my opinion, they are really versatile for lots of occasions, but if you don’t have one, an essential oil room spray, reed diffuser or simply putting drops onto a bowl of cedar chips will clear the air in your home just as well.

safe & supportive essential oils to use for immunity during pregnancy, postpartum & around your newborn include;

lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree, bergamot

dilute 3-5 drops in your diffuser (typically 200ml) during pregnancy, after your 1st trimester

dilute 1-2 drops in your diffuser (typically 200ml) postpartum with your baby

note: please avoid using essential oils until you are within your 2nd trimester of pregnancy

i really hope that you’ve found some positive, practical tips here to connect with & support your body and some confidence to know that you can take some control over your personal immunity.

take care!

emma xx

please note, i am not a doctor! always seek medical & professional advice for your health and wellbeing. this is not advice specific to covid-19, but a general guide to boosting your immunity to help guard against many common viral & respiratory infections.


your pregnancy nutrition guide by henrietta norton

healing foods by neals yard remedies

natural pregnancy by zita west

all text & content intellectual property copyright ©2020

images c/o unsplash


creating space for connection with your newborn


breakfast museli for pregnant mamas